After our very successful outing of KILLING STELLA in Belltable, Limerick on May 16th, our next Arts Council funded project up for Gaitkrash is COSY in Cork Midsummer Festival: 18th – 22nd June, at the Firkin Crane. The Festival Talks also bring the writer Kaite O’Reilly, director Phillip Zarrilli and CUH/UCC consultant for Gastroenterology Seamus O’Mahony, award-winning author of The Way We Die Now, together to discuss the last great taboo – death. Issues around death, the question of the right to choice about how and when we die, the medicalization of death – all embedded in the context of the troubled emotional life of a family of 3 generations of women, are at the heart of this very funny, bitter-sweet tragi-comedy by Kaite O’Reilly. See below links to the production, the Festival Talks, and some articles on Seamus O’Mahony’s books:
The first leg of the project in November 2018 – and events dating back to 2014 – that seeded and led up to the realization of this production, including two readings, a Perforum lecture and a Lecture in the Jennings Gallery Lunchtime series to mark UCC Disability Awareness Week in 2014, were supported by UCC: